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Stanton-Newport Little League

Stanton-Newport Little League

Our Staff

Meet our SNLL Board of Directors!

President - Jen Good - email: [email protected]

Vice President - Jenny Ramirez - email: (coming soon)

Treasurer - Lana Kim - email: [email protected]

Secretary - Lindsey Minor - email: (coming soon)

League Information Officer - Ronnie Robinson - email: [email protected]

Safety Officer - (*Equipment manager/maintenance) Carmine Annone - email: [email protected]     

Player Agent - Jen Vavala - email: [email protected]

At Large - Open

Concession Coordinator - OPEN

Division Vice Presidents: 

Minor - Dean Perry - email: [email protected]

Softball - Erika Barber - email: [email protected]

Tball -OPEN

Weeball - Jen Vavala - email: [email protected]

Contact Info

League Email:
[email protected]
League Phone: 302-463-1190 (text or call!)
Facebook - "Stanton-Newport Little League"
Instagram - @SNLLBB

League Officers


The following are volunteer positions with the league that are elected by the league's membership:

  • League President
    • Serves on league Board of Directors.
    • Ultimately responsible for conducting the affairs of SNLL and for executing the policies established by the league Board of Directors.
    • Communicates to the Board of Directors such matters and make such suggestions as may, in his/her opinion, tend to promote the welfare of SNLL.
    • Presides at all meetings of SNLL.
    • Chief Administrative Officer of SNLL and ex-officio member of all committees.
    • Appoints chairpersons to committees and appoints members to volunteer Board positions.
    • Utlimately responsible for the conduct of SNLL in strict conformity of the policies, principles, rules and regulations of SNLL and Little League Baseball, Inc. as agreed to under the conditions of the charter issued to SNLL by that organization.
    • With the assistance of the Player Agent, examines league applications and supporting documents of every player candadate, certifies the residency and age requirements before the boy or girl may be acccepted for tryouts and selection.
    • With the assistance of the Treasurer, formulates a yearly League budget and presents to the Board for approval.
    • Attends all League general and Board meetings.
    • Attends all Little League District meetings or sends substitute.
  • Vice-President
    • Serves on league Board of Directors.
    • Shall in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President.
    • Ex-officio member of all committees.
    • Attends all League general and Board meetings.
  • Secretary
    • Serves on league Board of Directors.
    • Responsible for recording the activities of SNLL and maintaining appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.
    • Keeps the minutes of all general and Board of Directors meetings and records them in a appropriate storage medium maintained for that purpose.
    • Drafts correspondences pertaining to SNLL or as directed by the League President.
    • Attends all League general and Board meetings.
  • Treasurer
    • Serves on league Board of Directors.
    • Responsible for the accounting of all assets of SNLL.
    • Responsible for maintaining the records of all bank accounts of SNLL.
    • Chief Purchasing Agent and along with the League President, responsible for the disbursement of league funds as directed by the President and Board of Directors
    • Responsible for collecting revenues and paying of the bills of SNLL.
    • Responsible for depositing funds in a timely fashion to a depository (bank account) authorized by the President and Board of Directors.
    • Responsible for having all books, receipts, disbursements and records audited by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) at the end of each the fiscal year. The CPA is designated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. A copy of the CPA's audited annual financial report will be sent to the District Adminstrator and Little League Headquarters
    • With the assistance of the President, formulates a yearly League budget and presents to the Board for approval.
    • Attends all League general and Board meetings.
  • At-Large Board Members (2)
    • Serves on league Board of Directors.
    • Performs duties at the desecretion of the President and/or the Board of Directors.
    • Represents the league as a whole and serves as a liason between Board and regular league members (adults).
    • Attends all League general and Board meetings.

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